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8 February 2021 - 15 February 2021
Virtual mission India

The registration for this event has been closed.

Welcome to the virtual mission India. We kindly invite you to participate in the webinar sessions and online matchmaking to learn more about the Dutch Water, Energy and Agri and Food sector and meet new contacts. 

If you are requested to contribute to one of our sessions, we thank you in advance for your presentation and ask you to register at our platform as well.

If you are working for a Dutch company, please, register as a Dutch participant and not as a Indian participant!

How it works

Visit the platform’s subpage How it works to read more on how to register and participate in the webinars and the 1:1 matchmaking. 
During registration you can choose your timezone. After that the agenda (programme) will be shown in your own timezone.


Please note that your participation is free of charge. 

Cannot wait to learn more about the Dutch sectors who participate in this mission? Below is a brief introduction to each of the Dutch sectors.

Closed since 11 February 2021
Organised by
Participants 348
Meetings 255
India 325
Netherlands 114
Total 439
Company (SME) 131
Company (Industry) 122
Other 65
Startup 33
Authority/Government 30
Association/Agency 22
R&D Institution 18
University 16
Total 437
Profile views
Before event 9955
After event 1215
Total 11170